Please Don't Stress:
Financial Aid Help is Available!

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Prefer English: Call (570) 331-6755 Prefer Spanish: Call (570) 454-6161or complete the Contact Us form
Not sure if you want to go on to post-secondary? Make an appointment-Our team helps with:Career Decision Making College and Post-Secondary applications And Financial Literacy too-understand grants an awards letter & how to find more FREE money for College!
Remember-EOC services are FREE!
Remember-EOC services are FREE!
Our Amazing Staff can help with:
-Award Letter Reviews
-Entrance Counseling & MPNs
Day-Evening & Weekends
In person in our 9 County area & Virtually
Pennsylvania State Deadline is May 1st (for many students)-Get your Free Application for Federal Student Aid Filed with one of our experienced and kind staff members.
Upcoming Workshop Sessions:
February 24th 1 pm: Virtual Financial Aid 101 Register
January 10th: noon to 1 pm-Financial Aid Virtual Information Session Sign up
January 14th: West Scranton HS-5:30 to 7:30 pm
Hazleton Area FSA Id Workshop is Nov. 20th during the school day
Wilkes-Barre High School Financial Aid nIght is Dec. 5th 5 to 7 pm
Hazleton Area FAFSA Night is Dec. 12th 5 pm
Financial Aid 101 Virtual Workshop-Dec. 13th at Noon Register
Don't Stress-Our Staff can help!